
Wolf Josey recognizes that all landscapes have an impact on communities and the environment.

Our practice seeks to bring thoughtful design and ecological responsibility to every project regardless of size. Each project is an opportunity to bring a sense of optimism, craftsmanship, history, and location into the design of the land.

We begin our process with a thorough understanding of context, seeking inspiration from a site’s cultural and ecological influences, its inherent natural systems, and its topographic distinctions.

By merging site underpinnings with the programmatic requirements of a project, our goal is to create a strong synthesis of people and place.

We understand that landscapes are sustained through intelligent planting design and healthy soils, which are critically important in environments where resources are limited.

Through cross-disciplinary collaboration, we combat the challenges that high public-use pressures, regular construction activities, and the present climate crisis, exact on long-term sustained plant health.